Category Archives: Norwegian Petroleum Museum

We have become an Eco-Lighthouse!

In December 2023, the Norwegian Petroleum Museum was certified as an Eco-Lighthouse. We are now going to shed LED lights on our own climate and environmental work.

Documenting the Kielland accident

The Norwegian Petroleum Museum is working on a historical documentation project about the Alexander L Kielland flotel disaster of 27 March 1980.

How is life with mum working offshore?

The workers offshore live two lives. They and their families must get used to the changing rhythm of weeks working at sea and have all the days off at home. The exhibition Oljeliv/Offshore ID tells the story of these workers.

Summer is here!

June is here, that means that the museum is open every day from 10 am to 7 pm. The museum have a variety of activities for children, youngsters and adults.