The time to prepare this year’s contribution is fast approaching, and we hope many people want to participate. Whether you’ve participated before or are baking for the first time, it doesn’t matter!
Everyone is welcome with their contributions, and together we create a magical experience for visitors throughout December.
Submission of contributions
You can come and deliver your contribution to the gingerbread city on Tuesday 26 or Wednesday 27 November between 1500 and 1900 hrs.
The gingerbread town will be inaugurated a few days later with an official opening by the Mayor of Stavanger on Sunday 1 December at 1500 hrs.
Everyone who submits a contribution to the gingerbread town receives a diploma and prizes. For each contribution received, Stavanger Aftenblad donates NOK 250 to the organisation Gi en jul, Stavanger.
Use your imagination!
Some practical information for all gingerbread bakers: You are allowed to use your imagination, and what you build doesn’t need to be a house. Remember that your contribution make must be possible to move without breaking apart. Please avoid attaching the structure to the surface, so that it is easier for us to place it in the exhibition.
We also greatly appreciate if you avoid using glue from a glue gun or other materials that do not naturally belong in a gingerbread house. Melted sugar or so-called “baking glue” is perfectly fine to use when you assemble your gingerbread parts.
The Stavanger company Topp Sopp receives the gingerbread houses for its production when the gingerbread town is finished at the end of the year, and the recycling of the houses is easier to achieve if you avoid using glue.
Create December magic
We hope for many contributions, and this year will make some changes in the city that we hope the public will appreciate! Join us in creating a magic experience in December. Bring your family, friends or colleagues along for a fun activity and create your contribution to Aftenbladet’s gingerbread town 2024!