Opening hours Opening hours

01. December – 31. December – Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 10.00-16.00,  Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday 10.00-18.00

01. September – 31. May – Monday-Saturday 10.00-16.00,  Sunday 10.00-18.00

01. June – 31. August – every day 10-19.

These opening hours also apply to the museum shop. 

At Christmas, the museum is closed on 24, 25 and 31 December and 1 January.
At Easter, the museum is closed on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Closed 17 May.

Admission charges

From January 2.: 
Adults NOK 180.00
Children (4-16 years) NOK 60.00
Families (two adults and three children) NOK 420.00
Students NOK 90.00
Pensioners NOK 140.00
Free admission for school classes

In December: 
Adults NOK 145.00
Children (12-16 years) NOK 60.00
Children (4-16 years) free admission
Families (two adults and three children) NOK 420.00
Students NOK 70.00
Pensioners NOK 70.00
Free admission for school classes

Annual admission card
Adults NOK 450.00
Children (4-16 years) NOK 150.00

Families (two adults and three children) NOK 1050.00
Students NOK 225.00
Pensioners NOK 350.00