Statfjord Industrial Heritage Statfjord Industrial Heritage

The work covered the Statfjord A, B and C platforms as well as the subsea installations on satellites Statfjord North, Statfjord East and Sygna. Loading buoys and pipelines are also included. Physical structures above water and on the seabed are described, including exteriors, interiors, machinery and equipment as well as significant modifications.

English version of the Statfjord Industrial Heritage web site:

A systematic selection of documentary sources related to Statfjord from 1970 to 2010 has been made. The project covers documentation and descriptions of characteristic features of the field’s development.
That includes technological developments, special projects, historical events, and negotiations and choices which underpin development decisions and the selection of development options.
In addition come political decisions and debates on these developments, and data on Statfjord’s special social significance regionally, nationally and internationally.
The coverage also embraces work processes, the working environment and spin-offs for the Norwegian economy, politics and society.
Work on the project was pursued by the Norwegian Petroleum Museum, the Regional State Archives in Stavanger (RSAS) and the National Library of Norway at Mo i Rana, in cooperation with operator Statoil.

The Norwegian Petroleum Museum has led the work, reporting to a project council with representatives from the Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Statoil, the National Library, the RSAS and the museum.
Photographs, films, publications and objects have been preserved by the museum, which has also conducted interviews. Its staff have written articles for this website, which provides the point of entry for setting the archived material in a context.

The Ekofisk industrial heritage and Frigg industrial heritage documentation projects were implemented in 2002-05 and 2005-08 respectively. Experience from these undertakings has been extended in the Statfjord industrial heritage project.
During work on the industrial heritage plan for the Norwegian petroleum industry, Statfjord was given priority as one of the areas which should be documented for posterity.
The management and reference group for the plan recommended Statfjord as the third documentation project after Ekofisk and Frigg.