Invitation to a seminar on the Alexander L. Kielland accident Invitation to a seminar on the Alexander L. Kielland accident
Published: 9. June 2023 Updated: 9. June 2023
The Norwegian Oil Museum is currently working on a documentation project about the Alexander L. Kielland accident and is experiencing great interest in our work. We therefore want to present the ongoing project and invite all interested parties to a seminar.
After the capsized Alexander L Kielland rig had been righted, it was sunk in the Nedstrand Fjord north of Stavanger. Photo: Sven Tønnessen/Norwegian Petroleum Museum.

Time and place: Norwegian Oil Museum, Tuesday 10 October 2023 at 10.00

The Norwegian Oil Museum is currently working on a documentation project about the Alexander L. Kielland accident and is experiencing great interest in our work. We therefore want to present the ongoing project and invite all interested parties to a seminar.

We want input from the public regarding topics and issues that may be relevant for publication on the documentation project’s website. We accept written submissions in advance, as well as requests for any speaking time.


10:00 AM : Welcome
A brief orientation about the documentation project by project manager Else M. Tungland

10:30 AM: How to search in the Digital Archive and what we can find there, at the National Archives

10:45 AM: Memory bank/archive studies at the University of Stavanger

11:00 AM: The Kielland network’s 89 questions by Kian Reme

11:30 AM: Lunch

After lunch, we open for questions and comments from the audience
The seminar ends at 15:00 hrs and is free for registered users.

If you want to attend the seminar, please send an email to by 1 October.