The museum welcomes children of all ages. We have many interesting activities and experiences for the entire family.
Photo: NOM
Småtroll (Kids Corner)
All Children’s Oil Company constantly needs new crew for its Småtroll platform (Little Troll). Anyone aged between three and 10 can sign on, climb on board, take their seat in the helicopter or use the crane to lift supplies on board.
How has life changed because of oil for Norwegians during the last decades? The museumsfilm shows the film “Oil Kid” that gives an impression of that. The “Oil Kid” tells the Norwegian petroleum history in a personal way. The audience meets Thomas, a man born i 1969, the same year as oil was found in the Norwegian part of the North Sea. He grew up becoming an oil kid. Recommended for children over 10 years.

Catastrophe Room
All oil workers must receive thorough training in safety before they can get a job offshore. If you dare to enter the darkness in the Catastrophe room and labyrinth, you’ll learn more about what that means.
Safety is important everywhere – maybe a tip to take home?

Drill floor and escape chute
Take a trip offshore. This will give you a good impression of what things are like on the drill floor of a rig or platform. You can study genuine equipment from the oil industry and learn how it works. Go up to the roof and slide down the escape chute – as many times as you want.

Oiling the economy
Oil is a valuable commodity – so valuable that it’s often called “black gold”. Norway’s offshore oil and gas resources have made it one of the world’s richest countries.
Petroleum revenues are very important for everyone who lives and works here. Learn a little more about how – and give your views on the way Norway should manage its oil wealth in the future.

Model collection
If you have a sense of how tall the Eiffel Tower is in Paris or the Valbergtårnet tower in Stavanger, you’ll also appreciate the size of the big oil platforms.
We’ve compared a series of offshore installations with the Eiffel and Valberg towers, in particular, to make their dimensions easier to grasp.

Statfjord B and Troll A
What do the massive platforms actually look like? They stand out to sea, and few people have seen them in real life. At the Norwegian Petroleum Museum, you can really understand how large and advanced these offshore installations are. The big models of Statfjord B and Troll A are true copies of these structures.

Activity days
Join us in one of our activity days at the museum! Always exciting things to do and fun ways to help you understand difficult subjects. Please see our Facebook-page for more information.

The Geopark is a popular spot for people to gather as well as a challenging playground. It contains components from production installations on the Norwegian continental shelf.